He always lets other people walk in front of him, but he will get there first. He is a very careful guy and small obstacles won't make him fall easily even he thinks life is a very serious matter. He is as romantic as any other Zodiac. He could look gentle, but inside he is asstrong as steel. Once he determines to do something, he is serious about doing it well. Hewill keep any pressure or insult deep down inside without showing emotion.You will never see his emotion of burden or disappointment and alwayswonder what he thinks or feels. He will be well kept his feeling.You will never see a guy in this Zodiac involving in other peoplebusiness. He always concern with his own business. Sometimes he can betalkative, but he will never give anyone advice if he has not been asked.If you ask for advice, he will certainly give you one. He respects elderlyand senior, so you will see he is the type who visit his parents steadilyor often.He is a slightly shy but also a stubborn person. He willfind many ways to make you happy when you are with him, till you realizehe is the important person for you. Once he is in the "Power Position", hewill use his power gently. He is a good leader and "Gentleness" is one ofhis effective methods for exploiting his power. It is although he is borneto be a leader.He never hide his ambition, and he is a workaholic. Hewill not take any position that he has no control. He will work very hardto reach his goal and satisfaction.Compliment from his boss or superior are never enough forhim, he wants his reserved reward. His deep insecurity make him reach andcollecting valuable things, and this you may think he is stingy. Actuallyhe could easily spending money to buy things, traveling or pay for thingsthat makes him happy and he think necessary for his need. He care whatother people think of him and want to get good comments or compliments.Outside he looks like stone and steel, but inside he is afragile person. He will hide and cover up weak emotion and his sadness inorder to maintain and keep up his "Image". One method of cover up youcould easily notice is suddenly if he is quiet, cold, or act very strongor very secure. Often, he feels insecure, even he is serious about hislife and his own surrounding.This is the man who never hurries to get marry, so hardlysit back and regret about his marriage later. If he gets marry, he need tobe very certain and very sure. It will take a long time for such decision,so if you tell him that you are "breaking up" , you better forget him forgood because he will never coming back.He always keep his promise. If he said he will meet you inyour place in 2 hours then he will be there, unless there is a seriousaccident or unavoidable things happen. He hates people who are late fordate or any appointment.He likes to think woman should be a follower and take careof family and working is a man duty. He does not like to compete with hisgirlfriend or his wife at work because competition already exists withhimself and other people. He will be very proud if he can afford and carefor his family. Do not try to over power him or insult him, he can notstand it. He likes to be in control of every things, every situations.He like a "Classy Woman" ,if she also comes from a goodfamily then it is aPlus. It will make him feel proud and very ego about her status. Flashytype of woman, forget it. He likes a perfect or a nearly perfecthousewife. He tends to be possessive. He will not tell you if he is mad atyou, but will act very moody to show you instead.He likes to hear sweet word and compliment so you can gethis interest that way. If he approaches you to ask you out, do not act toostubborn or fooling around too much. He will get tired and just disappear.He has to feel confident when he is around you, so knowing this fact youshould know what to do, right!If you want him, you have to make him feel like he is themost important person for you. He likes a kind hearted woman, polite andcan get along with his family. When he feels sad, do not leave him alone,but be very supportive. Kind words and your smile will win him over, sothis strong man will be like a chicken in your palm.
She thinks the world is watching her through the eyeglasses of rose petal frame. She thinks people think and talk about heronly about good things and often disappoint to know the fact that they arenot true and not even real, so she will feel hurt. She thinks her path hasto be a beautiful one.She thinks only good things so she prepares and always makes arrangementfor herself to be in the right path always, quite systematic indeed.If there is no guy in her life, she will be busy with herself. Thisseemingly ordinary woman will push herself to meet her goal. Her facemostly will be slim and long, high cheek bone, Eye brow slightly curve up,slight tall more than short, thin lips and she will have quite a confusingor mixture of character.Sometimes, she will be very careful about guy she willmingle with. She thinks as if she has a main CPU in her head and she couldmemorize everything from her childhood. When she faces with problems, shewill handle them and solving them very well, and at the same time showingother people that she has that capability. She can put her mind in solvingproblems in crisis better than many other Zodiac. Once she determines todo thing, nothing will stop her.Woman in this Zodiac could be totally different from one woman to anotherwoman. You could see her in the party dancing like flash dance or dirtydancing, as well you could also see her as an old fashion lady or a geek.She could be someone flashy and wanted by many men, or she could be a coldand non-social person. She will have her own way to win you over. Once shechoose you, she will need to be proud of you."Love" is not as important to her as "Marriage". Her real goal in life is"Safety" and her position in other people sight need to be "Secure".She plans her life, and socially life easily and very carefully. She isalso very artistic and realistic, so if you are nobody or nothing, nochance because she loves ambition and a good life. She need lots of love,but do not want and do not belief in an occasional or unconventional love.She is a proud in nature type, so if you see a woman inthis Zodiac comes from a poor family, she will act like a woman from anoble family by birth anyway (certainly there are always exception). Shealways looks cool even when she is not. She like to make people see her as"secure and confident" even she is a mixed emotion and mixed charactertype. If she is mad, you can tell right away and she can stay moody forquite a long time.You never have all her times, for she likes to work hard and also spentsome spare times working for charity. You will see woman in this zodiac a"Volunteer" for camp, and if she is in a high society, she will mostlikely be a president or a V.P. of a "Club". She is a romantic andartistic, but being poor and unstable is certainly not in her dreams. Herbeautiful imaginations need to be realistic, for failure is not in herplan.A Goat always climb high, so either she start from a lowpoint or a high point, she will make sure at the end she will have thebest spot. She will not show her ambition, but she will show that shesatisfy with herself now. Once you look back she already moved up again,quietly but sure.If she is your love one, be supportive and understand her. She isstubborn, but she will listen. She will act like a gentle fragile person,but in fact she can stick you down like a super glue without you knowingit.
A quiet simple man who can do something unexpected to shockyou. Taurus man mostly medium tall, strong with good health, good strongbody. When he talks, he likes to turn his head to one side on onedirection. His body will be quite straight, facial structure tends to besquare shape more than other shape. His eyes sparkle with liveliness.Even when he is in love, he is still a free wild bird. Heis sand in your palm, the more you want to hold it, it will slip out. Ifyou stand and hold it still, it will stay that way. Don't set the rulesand draw a line for him, he will not stay.When you are with him, he will think only of you. But anhour later he could change his mind. He is very patient with other people,but very impatient with himself. His world always turning and it will notstop just because he loves you. If he up sets, he will show it right away.If something has gone wrong, he will blame his own carelessness instead ofblaming other people.He sincere to his friends even to some friends he does notlike. He likes to do odd things and surprise other people. He could befully dress in a nice suit and jump in the pool. He could slap your backso hard just to make you turn around to see he has flowers in his hand. Henever wants to get too close with anyone for he thinks living in realityis living by yourself.He does not care what people think when he behaves weird.He could be walking bare feet and laughing at people who laugh at him andthink they are so narrow minded. He does not likes to follow conformity,but always want to search for new ventures, new mystery. He will interestin a life of a millionaire as much as a life of an old man sellingnewspaper on a sidewalk vendor.He like to search and analyze people and things. He willanalyze his friends or his girl friend, and once the mystery is gone, hewill search for new puzzle to solve. He can not easily understand thing,so he will gradually learning about you till he fills up all hisquestions.He knows so many people, but he has a few friends. He looks for qualityfriends than quantity friends. He will be close with some friends shortlyand move on. He always feel lonely even surround by many people. He couldcreate his own little world, and sometimes no one would understand him.He looks only for future and he thinks he lives for the future. He maywonder how many people think like he does, but he does not want to be likethe others.A man with a conflict personality. He is a cool,understanding, and able to work well, and very artistic. Taurus man couldbe an artist. He could shock you as much as he is able to clam you downwhen you up set. He is a free spirit who likes venture, but when he wantsto be alone, do not touch him but to let him be. He won't disappear fromthe crowds too long, he will be back.He will give you straight forward opinion or comments, butwill never advice what he thinks you should do. He does not like people totell him what he should do too. He thinks each individual dreams andthoughts should be very private. He will use his brain not his bodystrength, so he will let other guys compete. He has a certain satisfactoryin life and hate to force himself in competition. He may seems careless,but actually he is a thinker and a stubborn one.He sees anything in details and not easily trusted peopletill he thinks he knows them well. You can just smile and he will thinkwhy and what are you smiling about, and if you are pretending. Once hetrust you and accept you as a friend, no one can says other wise to changethat for he will not listen to gossip. He will be honest and sincere tohis friends.He hates lies, so he will not tell you lies. If he finds it is necessaryto lie, he will find other ways not to tell you or avoid telling youanything. If he really has to lie, you will never be able to tell that heis lying. He can really keep secrets, so you will hardly know that he is alonely soul.If you want this kind of guy, you have to be aninteresting person. He has to be curious about you. Hell for him is "NoFreedom", so if he marries you then you should know it is the biggestdecision in his life. Always be interesting, then you could have himbeside you.
A slim moderately tall woman. Taurus woman is funny and ajolly person. Square facial bone structure, high cheek bone. Her round bigeyes sparkle with wit and curiosity. You will not see many round facesTaurus women, and mainly she will have a strong jaw line.She is a constantly change person. If she up sets, she will not show itand will keep it to herself for a long time, and will remember them sowell. If she gets really mad at you, you will suddenly become a totallyand completely stranger to her.She is a patient person, but always need new excitement. She hates longtalk meeting, long and endless conversation. She can be in love with youtoday, and one day she could act as if she has never loved you before. Shehas patient with what she wants to do and will never give up until shegets there. She will be very persistent in what she is doing till she hasreasons for stopping her project, then she will quit.Money for Taurus woman is not the most important factor in life. Shethinks of money as an instrument for assuring of a good living. She hasmore satisfaction in achieving her goals more than satisfaction in finecloths and luxuries. If you like a woman who always thinks of love andromance, then you are dating the wrong girl. You can not tell her to stayat home, she likes to work and preferred not work at home.She loves animals and likes to surround by animals. Loveis in her head, but freedom is in her soul. She has her own idea aboutlove and afraid to show her true feeling for fear of rejection. She is notthe type to talk about love, but she sure has a strange way to show it.She is not good in showing when she is in love, but if she loves you shewill be honest to you than any other women.She will be honest to her love one, but at the same timeseems distant. You will have a good relationship with her, if you allowher freedom. Do not force her to be with you in a poker game which shehates, but let she goes out swinging with her friends if she wants to. Shewill be different than other girls, and she thinks different is one of herunique quality. She is a public figure but belongs to no one. She will notstay with you, if she thinks you are not sincere. She likes you to havepersonality, but better not to compete with her. Loves her, but not toomuch as she is afraid it will be limiting her freedom.!She always stands out of the crowd for something she daresto do. You could see her dress like a poor farmer dinning in the fancyrestaurant, or dress like a nun in an a cocktail dress party. If you are apolitician who is looking for a wife, she will make a good one because sheis cleverly smart and she could get along socially with any type ofcrowds.She is not a jealous type because she has to know you thoroughly beforeaccepting you in her life. She has more curiosity in life than wonderingif right now you are flirting with someone else. If you keep a distantfrom her, or go away for a few days, she will miss you more. Even when sheis dating you, she also able to fond of someone else, if you do not havesomething she is looking for. She will never disappoint you or hide behindyour back to make you loose face, but she is the type who just going totell you to your face that "We're better off breaking up".She always remembers her first love. Taurus woman holds the best recordfor divorce for she does not care about how people think of her, buteverything should be done for "Happiness".She has lots of friends and sure of herself, so you willhardly see she delays any of her thoughts before her action. If she thinksof something, she will go ahead and does it. She has many men wanting herfor her constant changes is the challenge. She can be cute and funny, butsuddenly cool and tough. She has her own style of dressing up, so youcould see her dress like an old mate today, and tomorrow she may dresslike she comes from Mars. She will have that interesting hair, dress and alook unique from anyone else.She likes to learn about your dreams and thoughts. She hasfun teasing you and making jokes. If she did something wrong, she won'thide it from you, but do not ask when she is not in the mood to talk aboutit. She hates to owe people money and take promise seriously. If youpromise to pay her back, you'd better paid up.If you want to make it with Taurus woman, then do not be jealous orpossessive, do not be narrow minded, do not criticize about nonsense orsmall and insignificant matters. Try to likes her friends and let she hasher privacy, then she can be very sweet to you.
He is very emotional and always allows himself to be veryemotional. He can have good night sleep and be in a good mood, and lessthan few hours at work he can be very moody. He does not understand thingsor try to understand things easily. If you notice him carefully, you willnotice what kind of moods he is in.He is a thinker and able to do well at work and alwayssucceed. His normal gestures mean he always looks at other people faults,but he will not talk about it. He has the ability to know your thought andable to tell you what you are thinking about.He can mostly memorize all his anger, his loves. They are his importantsecrets and he will keep them to himself and will never let you know. Heis not a very ambition man and careless about his position in society.Wealth does not draw his attention, because he is not greedy man and aswell he thinks money is not something that will last. He could be verycareless about his future. He does not like to fight against all odds, butInstead following the stream and make life easier. Sometimes because helikes to take an easy path, which causes him very unsteady future.He is kind and slightly lazy, but it is his cute character. He hates rulesand regulations. He will never look down on people. He is a polite guy andcan be very aggressive when he is mad. He loves to think that he lives ina beautiful world and surround by nice people, so if he finds his world iscruel and not what he expects, he will live in his world instead.His other charm is that he is a funny guy, and it is hisreal weapon. He can tease you and yet make it looks like one of his joke.Even when he is sad, he still has that funny face, so you could hardlytell if he is mad or depress. He likes to hide his feeling and help otherpeople especially those who need friend or lonely.He will be everything that you want and everything you donot want. He has a chance to make it as much as a chance to fail. He candetermine to make it work and can do it well, except he tends to lost hisenergy with other important things, that's how he miss many of his goodopportunity.He can be happy and content by himself. What he thinks isimportant is not "Love", but firm status and stability. He has plenty oflove for you.He is a good speaker, as much as he is a good listener.When he is with you, he wants to be happy. He understands his partner'semotional. He likes to take a long rest and sometimes being alone. If heneeds to be alone, try not to disturb him.He is a sensitive, quiet, shy and easily hurt. He wants tofeel worthy. He can be mad and noisy, but once he calm down, he will bethat happy person again. He is not a jealous or possessive guy, and if hefeels jealous he will hide it. He has many friends of both sex, and hecare about his friends. He likes to have lots of friends, so you can notget jealous or else you will loose him. He likes beautiful things, so if apretty woman walks by he will look, so do not get mad at him knowing thisfact.When he is lonely or feeling sad, be close to comfort him. He does notlike to take advice, so if you want him to listen or to follow youradvice, you have to act as a good sample for him first. He likes a cheeryand a smart woman. If you treat him like he is your special person, thenhe will be that special person for you. He will trust you if he is inlove, but try not to over doing it and spoil him too much. You have toknow yourself worth all the time too.
She likes to be in a dream world than to be in reality.She is weak and sensitive when it's come to "Love". She can cry if herbest friend is breaking up, and she can be over excited when her friendgets a new boy friend who is a good looking and rich even it is nothingconcerned her at all. You might be surprise to see that she is shy justbecause she is in love. More or less it will be in Pisces woman. She lovessmall animal and gifted in training animals.She has sixth senses and she can guess what will happen next, it's hernature. Even she has a good sixth senses, she can not pick or foreseen herown choice of lover. She can not tell if she meet a sincere guy or anone-night stand guy.She likes to buy and pick her own cloths. She likes to dress cute and becute. Pisces woman tend to be a good looking woman and she has a niceskin.Her hands and feet are small and soft. Pisces woman loves to shop forshoes as if she collects them. She is a hot lady that everyone wants her.Whether she has a man in her life or not, she will never try to over-powerany man. It's not even in her thought. She thinks man can handlethings better, and she will make her man feel that way. She is an easygoing person, so being with her is easy. She is a confident woman andlikes to make people who stay with her happy. She knows how to please andhow to comfort a man. If something is wrong, she will try to make otherpeople belief that it's must be because of someone else, not because ofher love one. She will not pus! h her man to be ambition but to make himfeel like he should be happy with the way he is now. She is happy with youfor what you are now.A Pisces woman, if she has a bad childhood, she willalways remember it and it will make her a very unhappy person. She willpity herself and feel sorry for herself. She tends to hurt herself without knowing it and so vulnerable to drugs (real drugs or just sleepingpills). She has many choices and you can never tell which path she goingto take. If you love her, then hold her tight because she never knows whyshe did what she did or what she will do next.A complex character. You may think she is a shy innocenttype and can not hurt anyone, then you are wrong. You might think she is afragile person who needs protection, wrong again. She has been through alot, a tough cookie. She is a dreamer and love. The word "Love", so she isthe type who will buy gift for anyone for any occasion, especially if itis a gift for wedding or an anniversary even for someone who she does notknow so well.Be very careful if fall in love with Pisces woman. She can be a totaldifferent person before and after. She can be an angle before and later awitch, but everyone is not perfect, right? She will be soft and gentlemost of the time, so not to worry. She is emotional and extremelysensitive when she frequently got hurt. She is the type who can cry herheart out.She can have a secret fear inside, when she says she does not need anyone.She badly needs someone to protect her, but sometimes she can hide thatfeeling by being stubborn. She likes to hide her shyness and her weaknessfrom her enemy. She does not like to follow any fixed rules. She can be agood housewife if you know how to handle her.Many men will ask to marry her because she is a 100% woman. If she wantsto be sweet, she is a real angel.
Hot-hearted man who likes to do thing his way. He can suddenlydecide to do something without thinking of its outcome. He is the type ofguy with an inside energizer, so if you fall in love with this type of guybe "patient", even if you have to follow him a bit. His creative mindcould create fantastic idea any time. If you do not understand or an notfollow him, you won't be with him for long.A man in this Zodiac will less likely to have a pale skin, and if he has ascar, it would be on his face or on his head. He moves very fast and veryenergetic, and he has a very self confident in himself. He is not the typeto sit down and feel sorry or regret anything for long, especially with"Love". He loves justice. He dares to show his opinion or even argue aboutcertain subject even he knows it might bring him problems. Astraight-forward type of guy.He hardly lies except if he think it is necessary and he is not a goodliar anyway. He will not lie to you about serious matter, but if he lieshe will lie only a small little thing. He is gifted with the ability to bea very social person. He could talk even about subject that he has noknowledge of. He interests only at the present time and look at the worldpositively. Many times he feels hurt because of reality, but he will notrun awayAnd he will overcome that difficulty.Even he is a high and self confident type and centers his own thought as amain focus, but at the same time he is a kind, cute and polite guy. Hecertainly is not a mean person. He likes to help people who are introubles even he is not asked to. He is the type who feels sorry if youremember bad things he said to you that he had already forgotten, but youdid not. Believe him that he is very sorry and give him another chance.Once he decides to do something, he will put all his mindand energy in it either in his "Work", or "Love". He is the type whogambles anything in the casino, so do not even take him there. He does notlike pessimistic, low energy, and depress person, especially no brain.Strangely he likes to overpower this type of people to assure that he ismore superior.He likes to be the first person to do something. You cansee sparkling in hiseyes, once he meet a new target or new lover. Once he is in love, he willact as if he never has love like this before. This minute he could be realsugar sweet, and later he could also be an icy cold, but do not blame himfor that will only chase him away. He could fall in love again withanother girl and act again like he never has this kind of love before. Hecould really love someone, but not a heart broken type for he thinks loveis "excitement" and "Love goes on".If you date this kind of guy, do not or avoid showing your face to himwith face pack, face mask, always be presentable, nice and cute. If he isquiet not because he is shy, but he is only quietly thinking. If you havea chance to ask his X-girlfriend, she will tell you that he is not a shyor quiet type. If he is really and truly in love with you, he will neverlie to you at all. How do you know if he loves you, bet on your faith!Love him and treat him steadily and do not try to find anything to arguewith him, he will be with you for sure.If you are his lover or girlfriend and need to tell him something, go andsay it out loud and straight forward because he hate long boring story. Hehates to play games, chasing for love or being chased, so let him call youfirst. He likes a confident woman who also a good follower. If he gets madat you, let him be for only a short time he will be normal again. You haveto like and be able to get along with his friends, but he does not have todo so with all your friends.Don't ever think you could make him jealous by flirtingwith other man, he will just leave instead of making a scene because he isa confident man and has to be the first in everything.
If you are in love with a woman in this zodiac be preparedto be very happy or be very sorry. She is a very busy person with her ownmatters similar to a guy in this zodiac. She is able to live by herselfwithout any guy in her life, a very strong person indeed.Not because she does not have a dream guy, but if she cannot find such person, so what. Because she thinks she could do anythingthat a man can do. She is a leader, a real confident type. She likes to dothings by herself, such as serving herself, opening the door herself.Because she thinks waiting for a helping hand is a waste of time, and sheis not patient enough to wait around for that. If she starts to ask youout, do not think she starts to flirt with you, but because she thinks itis a waste of time to wait for you to be the one who asked.She likes a COOL guy who sometime act like he is ignoringher, so he has a chance to show him his own confident. She likes to guessher man's reaction, but at the same time she likes to has many men wantingher. She is a daring type who could just do thing differently from otherpeople in her same society. She dare to fight for what she thinks belongedto her.Even she acts confident she mostly feels lonely and alone. If she breaksup with someone, she won't show any emotion even deep down inside pain andagony. Not for long she will come back to be the cheery and merry personagain, because she looks at the world positively and has "Faith" in theword "Love".She has more men friends than women friends, so do not be a jealous typeif you date her. She could be slightly jealous, but she hates jealous guy.She loves "Freedom" so before and after marriage, her freedom has to bethe same. She likes you to trust her, even if she does not trust youanyhow.She likes to be the one who is "Right", so if you argue with her, let herwin if it is not a big deal for you in that subject. She is astraight-forward type, so if she does not love you anymore, she will justtell you straight to your face. Her love and relationship are always real,so if she say "It's over" be prepare to leave, she is not testing you.She is not a vulnerable type, so do not have to worryabout her, she will survive by herself. If she is with you when you getsick, she will certainly take care and look after you, even look after youmean "small loan". Do not have secret with her, she hates it and reallycan piss her badly. When she is sad , be understanding. When she is happy,be happy with her, she likes that.You will not get bore with this type of girl. Someone whois close to her will know that deep down beneath that confident and coldhearted person, she is just as fragile as any woman. She is a fun andtalkative person and she likes to tease you. Do not let she talk alone, ifyou do she will leave.She has many types of jobs because she believes what a mancan do, I can do. If you want her to work for you, forget it. When she isin love, she will just leave her job in the day time just to come to seeyou, but not for long she will go back to work seriously again. Prepare tolive and love with a "Working Woman" then you will be OK.If she mad, find a shelter for the "Hurricane" is here!Her bad temper will last very shortly though. She is not a revenge typeand will not think of "pay Back" time. Most people might think of her as"One of a guy", but in fact she is a 100% woman. She is easily hurt, so benice with her. If she really loves you, then you are lucky because she isan honest, truthful and will never bored you. Understand that sometimesshe will be over confident and sometimes like to have power or act bossy.
A man in this Zodiac will has a pair of round big beautifuleyes, a nice structure jaw line. He is a good listener and can understandeverything easily and clearly. He can guess what you will say before youeven say it. He often shakes his head or touches his hair. He is a bigbuilt, but he will tend to have a small ear. He tends to have a darkershade of hair and eyes' color. He will likely have a short and strongneck, broad shoulder, muscular, strong hands and grips. He has a shorterfingers compare to the man of the same size and same height in the otherzodiac. His hands can work well at the same time can protect and care forhis woman.His height will be proportional to his weight. He willwalk firmly and always take a big long step. As he walks he will lookaround in caution with no disturbance from his problems at present or inthe past. He likes to watch things built with fascinate and wonder abouthow it is done, so you could see him watching a construction site and notget bored.He is a good dancer. He is a careful person in instinct, so even at dancefloor, he will already have to know what in front or behind him before hewill take any steps.Green is his favorite color. You will mostly see him weargreen, navy, blue, or brown. In all 12 Zodiacs, he is the one who can getthe most satisfaction from possession of beautiful thing, and cherish itas if it is very valuable to him even it is just a crystal ball made inFrance.It is his luck that he hardly has to chase after woman. They always comethemselves without his invitation. He likes to treat his guest in hishouse than visiting his guest at their house. He does not like to be acenter of attention, so if you need his help, you have to look up for him.He lives his life in stability and simplicity. Every decisions made arealready "Sure" and carefully thought out. He will not do what he has beenasked to do if he is not interested in doing it. He acts casually but inreality, he always doing things seriously.He loves peaceful and quiet environment so in his free time, he will stayat home instead of going out and look for adventure. He loves nature anddreams of a nice and quiet house with lots of trees, or he may dream of ahouse in a beautiful countryside.He will let you have freedoms and watching you in adistance. If you are over doing something, he will let you know by his icycold look. He is the perfect lover in all the Zodiac for nothing he willnot do for his love one.He won't allow people to laugh at him or think he is a joker, so he willspent for himself luxury for what it is worth.He likes neat and well dressed woman, so do not be a slop if you aredating this guy. If you do that he will loose his face. He is the romantictype who would dance with you under the moon light.Love will make him shines and you will see it in his face. He will not sayit out loud, you have to know it yourself.
A tall slim, cool and quiet woman. Once she is mad she can bevery fierce. She can work better than some men and she is very highconfident woman. In her opinion, woman is not just a flower or decorationat home or at an office and certainly not a weak sex who needs protection.She likes to control and hide her weak emotions. She will never try tochange anyone, but she will learn to accept them as they are. If she doesnot like someone, she will not comments or criticize but she willcompletely ignore that person.She hate plastic and an artificial flower because it makeher feel that you are not being sincere. She loves real flower and itsscent. She loves a guy who wears after shave cologne. If you are a type ofa guy who wears your Jean one month before washing, or wear an oldsneaker, then you can forget about her.She loves music and nature even there is a rare caseotherwise. She loves to go picnic in nature, so if you don't have so muchtime for her, you can take her fishing too.She is not as jealous as Aquarius or Leo woman, but do notcross the line O.K. Better not to see she gets mad, especially in front ofpublic when she feels like loosing face. She loves to make up and dressperfectly and very neat, so never rush her for this matter.She has her own goal in life and does not care if you have a doctoratedegree or not, if she thinks you are not bright then she will not careabout you at all. She likes smart people by character not by certificateshown. If you can not show her this quality, go and take a bus and go tothe next stop.She does not like a dreamer who talks about his dream butnever put his hands in action to make it happens. Don't bother to tell her"everyone is doing it, you should do it too", or "I think you should doit, it's good for you", because she will do what she wants to do only.She is a neat and tidy person, so if your apartment is apigsty, do not take her there. If you go out on a date with her, try to bepresentable such as nice and clean dress, clean nails or else it will beyour last date.She is a cool type and will not nag, so easy on your ears.She is a slow but sure type. She will always respect and honor you andwill never try to make you loose your face. If she loves you, she willhelp you in anything you do.She likes to help people and expect nothing in return. Ifshe asks you for a favor and does not get one, she will feel verydisappoint. She has a high hope and a high faith and beliefs in her ownconfident than believing in "Luck".If she is your wife, you will have nice and clean home anda gourmet cooking. If your parents visit your house, they will be please.She is a 3 in 1 means , a perfect mother, a perfect housewife, a perfectwife or you could say "happily ever after".
A man in this Zodiac has a thin long and proportional face. He has a highforehead and very cleaver. He looks like he can not stand or sit still, avery fast person. His nose is just right in size, thin lips, talk fast andvery talkative. He can think faster than he talks, but once he startstalking, he will talk non stop as if god has gifted him with that specialtalk machine mouth. He likes to cut his hair short and he is veryathletic. He is a tall, slim and every movement of his is "Fast" or nearlycalls "Hyperactive".He has long fingers and always tapping on table or moving his finger as ifhe is trying to grab something. He is the type, who will write or scribbleon paper, he never stays still. His hair always well comb or neat. He willspent a long time to comb his hair. He will keep his manicure and pedicureclean. He is a well dress and clean guy, so if you like cleanliness, youwill love him.He will keep all his cloth in big closet, and never throwaway even shirts he never wear any more, but yet he still keep buying newcloths and make sure he is in style. He knows how to dress well even witha low budget. He get bored easily with his favorite cloths, cologne. He isvery picky, so soap and his cologne even have to be in the same trend orsame scent.If you date this kind of guy, you might think you aredating 2 guys, you will have to guess his feeling and emotion. Is he doingthing because it is a duty, or is it because he wants to?He changes his mind as fast as he changes a new pairs of shoes. He canpick upa book and roughly read through and understand it's contents, so if yousee a Gemini man who reads the whole book, then he must be influenced byother Zodiac.He hates to set fix schedule, and dislike a boring sameroutine job. He could hardly be on time, and can only keep time if it iscomplete important and necessary. He does not come late because heforgets, but because he always find other attractions along the way. Helikes to act opposite to what he wants to do. He is a very good speakerand makes a very good politician. He can easily persuade other people andwell presented himself in public, a real charmer. If he is a writer, hewill write the best seller.He always searches for truth and constantly studies himself. He neversatisfies about his fame, his reputation or money, because he thinks hedeserved more. He will keep searching even he is not sure what is hisultimate satisfaction.Woman in love normally wants to feel secure and stable, but if you fall inlove with this guy be prepared to be alone. He will come to see you whenhe feels like it. He won't even know how he spent his day everyday, soadjust yourself if you love him.Dating him is like dating 2 guys, so today he can tell youhow much he loves you, but tomorrow he might call you to cancel your date.When he upsets, he could tell you he hates your dress, even it is the samedress he used to tell you make you look very sexy. Do not ask him why heis that's way for he won't have any explanations too. When he is back tonormal mood, he will take you out again and forget what just happened.You can not expect him to be the same person now, andforever. His changes will depend on you, for better or for worst. If youlike to take risk and dare for challenges, you will get along with himfine. He keeps his emotional secretly as if hiding it, so you will not beable to see if he is in love with you, or does not give a damn at all, butbe calm and patient.He will never leave you if he thinks you are a puzzle, then he will spenttimes solving this puzzle.
A good looking woman with brains, a very interesting person. She has afast movement and she could not sit still or stand still long. She is ableto do many things at the same time and do it fast. If you date her, youwill feel like dating many women at the same time. You can not tie herdown with the word "Love" because she cares about love but is it not amajor factor of her life. You have to be able to adjust yourself to getalong with her many different characters.She is a dreamer and has many dreams. She is eager tolearn something new all the time. Even she is the 2 in 1 mixed charactertype, she is quite lucky in love. You have to put all your efforts to winher affection. Even when she likes you and wonder about your wit, she willalso see and inspect your bad side at the same time, because it is in hernature.She able to keep all kinds of mixed emotions without annoying you orletting you know at all. She can cheer you up by acting like a free littlebird. Her conversation will not bore you. She is able to talk to you inany subjects. She can make you feel like you are the luckiest man alive.She can make you feel like she needs all your care, but once she needs tostand alone, she can stand alone firmly and comfortably.She can be your best buddy and talk to you about anything.She can join all your activities with the same energy that you have. Sheis a quick a wit person and learn new things very fast. She can see yourprojects and she can give you good advice. If she thinks you are not surethat you want her for yourself, she will act like your best friend only, acool woman.She can easily make a guy fall in love with her. Her multiple changes andmany moods is a "Charm" for many men. She can be laughing for 2 minutesand later suddenly quiet. She wants to find only 1 true love and she wantsto meet her dream guy. She expects a lot and nearly too much. She isconstantly waiting for her knight shinning armor even she is with a steadyboyfriend. She can fall in love or fond of someone else while she is withyou. If you break up with her, she will forget you quite fast, becausechange is in her nature. The Gemini woman breaks more heart than woman inother Zodiac. Because she is a dreamer and always waiting for her knightshinning armor ,so her love life can be complex or a mess.She hates to write a long letter, so if you write her a letter and expecta prompt reply, forget it. Because she has a multiple personality andmultiple ideas, so she hates to put them down in written proof. Becauseshe knows what she belief today can be different tomorrow.She could communication with more than 1 language, a real giftedlinguistic. If she wants to tell you any bad comments, she won't say itstraight away, but she will talk to you about many other things andaccidentally come to that subject without offending you. Normally she willnot lie.She will work hard and once a while take a long rest. Shecan get bored and tired with her own surrounding more than at work. Shenever feels content with her present work, money, or reputations, she willdrive to have more.Don't ask her what is her ultimate contentment for she will not have ananswer.Once you get to know her, she will be a supportive personand always be beside you. She has a beautiful dream and she loves to havesomeone walk side by side with her, together and equally.
The most sensitive man and the weakest emotional type in all Zodiacs. MostArtists are Cancer. Cancer is controlled by the "Moon" and the moon changeit's shape daily, so Cancer man's emotional and moods change all the timetoo. You will confuse with him and yet it is his constantly changes that"Charm" you. He never go to get what he wants directly, but he will waitfor a chance and opportunity to do so. Once he gets what he wants, he willnot loose it, except if he get tired of it by himself.The most sensitive man who can not stand rejection. Hecares what other people feel or think of him. He hates loosing face and hetends to over protected himself, so sometimes people might think he is acold person.Gifted, creative, imaginative, is Cancer. A mystery andcomplexity play a major role in a life of a Cancer man. He could be veryfunny, very quiet, suddenly very sad. Living with him could be veryunexpected, for you will not know what is his next mood. If you likeexcitement and surprise, you have the right guy and never have a chance toget bored.He thinks of his home as "nest" and it is the safest place for him. If hefeels hurt or depress he will stay at home alone quietly. Once he feelsbetter, he will come out of his retreat and lives normally again. Being alooser is not him.It is so easy to fall in love with this guy because he is gentle and avery polite guy. His wit and creative mind could win your affection. Hewill come out from his nest to protect you even if he is not openinghimself up to other people much. Not many people will win his heart. Hissecurity is only when he has money in his pocket. Once he feels securethen he might think of having a happy family. Even he likes to make andkeep money, he is not stingy. Spending money is part of his good image, sohe will be happy to spent money to take you out to a very expensiverestaurant or buy a jewelry for you.Certainly when he has money OK. He is possessive to everything's that hethinks belong to him. Don't try to talk to another cute guy in front ofhim, he will get suspicion because he is not very secure or confident inhimself for this kind of competition.Once you know each other too much, he will start to lookfor new excitement, but not to worry for he will always think of you. Ifhe thinks you are the true love for him, and you try once to disappear.You will be sure he will come and look for you.He is a shy guy, but if he likes you. You can get up inthe morning and see that he is in front of your house everyday till you goout with him, a very persistent guy.He likes a secure, cheerful and lively woman, confident but at the sametime always act proper and appropriate. He likes a secure woman, but ableto adjust to his rapid changes. A very difficult type to find womanindeed.In the beginning, you and he will be so sugary sweettogether and he will only think of you. This so "super romantic" will notlast forever, so don't slip this chance. If you are the one who want hisinterest, then act and make yourself interesting. Be a supportive personand give him compliment sometimes, but not too much till he thinks you arenot sincere.Unlike many other Zodiacs, if he is mad then you better get out of thatroom. He will calm down by himself. Giving him a slight touch on hisshoulders or concerned facial __expression are enough. He loves his mother,so try to be his mother favorite, but do not act like his mother!
When she is in love, she will act both ways. First, shy and politetrembling to be near you. Second, Attach to you like glue and trying to bewith you all the times. She will try to go home with you after work, orhave every lunch with you. It is O.K. if you like her too, but if it isnot the case, you will feel very uncomfortable.She hates to be talked about or gossiped by someone else. If she knows shewill be very hurt. In nature she is a shy type, except she has beeninfluenced by some other Zodiac. She is not a brave or daring type, so ifyou like her then you better be the one who start first. She will notaccept her true feeling, so if you like here you better tell her first.She is like a musical note always changes in tunes, so one minute she canbe funny and cheerful, and one minute she can be sad and depress. Otherpeople may think of her as "Over-acting", or "Over-reacting".When she is depress, she will go out and look for thingsto make it up. She loves money, and thinks of having "Money" as "happy",not as "God". She will not look down at you if you do not have a lot ofmoney, but she will help you make money, save money. She is not anextravagant person and sometimes will tell you not to buy her expensiveand not useful gift.She is the type who enjoys a long and quiet walk. Cancer woman is alsoinfluenced by the "moon", so under the moon light she will be fascinatingwoman. She has a constant fear for many things. She fears of not beingsmart enough, not pretty enough. Even if she is not fat, she will not besatisfied. Assuring her of her look would help, because she can changemood 4 times a day.She is not stingy, but you will not surprise if you seeshe collecting old or broken junks. She sees that everything is useful toher. She will find a way to re-use it again some day. She is not a jealoustype, but possessive.The best part of her is that she will sacrifice everythingfor her love one with no limit. Don't leave her in times of troubles, shewill never forget it. She is not a weak type, even she looks like one,Example if you argue with her, she might cry her heart out. Once you left,she will wipe her tears and start clean up her apartment normally.She is a very careful mother and will look after her kidsevery steps of the way. If she is a mother of your children, you are atease, but if she is your mother in law, you are in pain. Not to worry,this type of mother in law will not let her own daughter being an "Oldmate".She could be moody and argue with you in many littlethings like many women,but she always wait and want to take care of you. If you argue with herand disappear a few days, she will be waiting for you, but not for longO.K. This kind of testing is risky, try not to do it.The Cancer woman need 2 things to be happy which are"Work" and "Love".She can be live in a dusty house, but she can not live in that same housewith no Love.
He likes to comb his hair backward, open his forehead showing a dignifyfacial __expression. His eyes are sparkle, but slightly showing laziness.He walks firmly and slowly like a lion, confident and ego proud. Outside,you may think he is kind and gentle person, but inside he is a strong andsecure person. If he is frighten, he will re-act and respond right away.His words always seem normal but mostly imply "order and demanding". Hewill not talk fast, or can not talk fast, neither walk fast. In a crowd orat work he will act normally, but not for long you will see him standingout of the crowd and be a center of attention with his words, or hisaction.You might think he is a shy guy, but deep down inside he wants to powerover his family and his friends. He just waits for that right moment. Donot take what is his, and do not order him, or else you will see a fiercelion. He respects elderly and senior, but will never bow down and acceptlike a looser for he will rather die than loose his dignity.He talks bluntly even on an occasion that he should notsay such thing. He is a compassionate guy and always looks at other peopleon a bright side. He likes people to listen to him. Even he has such ablunt and bold personality, he could easily reach his goal without makingany enemy.Once disagree with him on something, he can be very up setlike a rainy storm on a summer day. It will only last a short time, thenhe will be back a cheery merry person again. He is a bright and witty guy,and he will not put any efforts on something that he thinks it will notwork and waste his energy. He is a good planner and can well manage hisjob assigned. When he gives order, he expect them to be carry out exactly.He is the leader type that the followers love.He can give other people advice and solve problems for other people well,except his own mess. He can be easily hurt by other people especially ifyou do not trust or respect his ability. You could compliment himsometimes and make this lion be your kitty with no difficulty. He is not agood judge for he listen to many people and tend to belief all sides.You can hardly see a Leo man with no woman by his side. If you see himalone, he could already have a love one in his heart, or just broken upwith one. Because he is very proud, he can change many girl friends. Hewill do many things for the woman he loves, but loosing his face is notone of them. Leo man can not live without love, because for him Love is aray of Light.He likes people to rely on him, it's make him feels "in power". He maycomplaint if he is asked for favor, but deep inside he is happy that youasked him. If you offer to help him, he will refuse you right away.When he is broke, he can find money still. He is notcareful with his way of spending for he has fun with spending money andhappy to buy what he likes. He lets other people borrow money from himeasily even if he has no money, he will run to his friend to borrow moneyfor you. He likes first class, first quality of everything.He can work hard like a mad dog, and sometimes can be lazylike a lazy sleepy cat. When he works, he is very serious. When heparties, he can be a party animal. If he asks you out, you will sure havea fun and jolly time.He will take chance with his love life, so if you know howto handle him, you will win. If he is your love one, it won't be a romancenovel. You have to be ready to calm him down when he over reacts to smallmatters because your cool stability will control and ease his mood. If youcan not handle or understand him, your relationship will be like ademolition zone, an on and off relationship till all your friends tired tohear about your breaking up and making up.Beauty is always in the eyes of the lion. You have to bedignified to walk with the lion king. Your looks are part of his image andego and he is very proud about it too. If you want his attention the firsttime you meet, you better be astounding attractive. If you have a firstconversation with him, you have to show him how much you adore histhinking. He likes to talk and not knowing that he likes to talk abouthimself.
She will stand out of the crowd on the street. Leo woman is normally tallor rather tall. You will hardly see a short thick woman. When she walksshe walks like a queen, confident and does not look around, though as ifthere is no one around her.She will dress in her own style not according to fashion.She is confident of what she chooses to wear. Do not buy cheap clothswhere they sell in dozen for her as a gift, she will hate it. Also do notbuy cloths that do not reflect her confident personality. She likes uniqueand strange cloths and accessories. Being different is what she loves.If you want to know her, take times and be patient becauseshe is selective about people she mingles with. She's open minded, but yetshe is not letting people get to close to her easily. She likes sweetwords and compliments, but not too much.She smiles with anyone, but inside she thinks she is borne to be a leader.She likes to be in control because it is in her nature instinct. She is agraceful woman, and she has a magnetic charisma, so expect toughcompetition.She is a very proud person, so do not do anything to challenge herconfident. She can be mad and act like a hurricane, and later can be likean innocent kitten, but do not fall for her O.K. She remembers everythingand likes to cherish her sweet memory, so if you find her old photo albumswith her ex-boyfriend or love letters that will make you puke, take iteasy. She is keeping her sweet memory does not mean she still in love withthe old fool, so you do not have to panic.She will have many guys run after her, so if you haveadvantage of a good background family, or a famous last name, a successfulcareer then it's a plus. She hates to be poor and she thinks love will notpay bills.She is a sport type and love sports. If you want to date her, prepare tospend big bugs, for your first dinner with her can not be a hot dog stand,but better be the best place in town. She is a generous person, so do notbe surprise if she gives you a gift more expensive than what you gave her.She likes extravaganza, no cheap gift, no cheap dinner please. Being pooror broke make her depress. If you do not have lots of money, be creativeand make your own gift for her. It's unique quality and times spendingmaking it for her is a big deal. You can think economical, but do not becheap.
Time is precious for Virgo man and if you make him wait, he will considerthat as an insult. He hates to hear criticism and hates to be criticized.If he is criticizing other people, then he must be influenced by otherZodiac. He is and he likes to be a perfectionist. He always think he isdoing the right and appropriate thing, and often he thinks he makes nomistake. He is a bright guy and could accept comments if he thinks it canimprove himself. He is the type who well adjusted to make changes.He will spent money carefully and spent it worthwhile. Hewill only extravagant for his personnel pleasure only. He is quiteromantic, a type of guy who can drive 100 miles just to tell you how muchhe misses you.If he does not care about you, he will not even spend adime to call you locally.Long distant special low rate call is also out of the question. He hatesrough and crude people. His woman has to be clean and dress well. Heinspects any thing in details beside being a perfectionist, so you couldbe lying in your bikini with a perfect figure and he can suddenly commentsyou about your big feet. If you gain 2 pounds, he may comments you aregetting too fat. Before going out with this kind of guy, look at yourselfhead to toe in the mirror and ask yourself if you are really and entirelyready. Unless he dates a model, then he will have less comment.He is neat and tidy, so his life always in a schedule, afix time to lunch, the same time to go home. He is well knowledge aboutfood and conscious about nutrition, so you won't see this guy eating ajunk food, or strange and exotic food for sure.You will see him in social events or party if onlynecessary. He is gifted with acting, so if he says he can not go out withyou because he is sick, then you will belief him. He is a hard to pleasewhen it comes to what to eat, how to work, what kind of a woman to date.He always neat and tidy all the times, even if he is in the army, he willbe the cleanest soldier in the camp. He likes to speak properly with noslang. He hates laziness and lazy people. He always act like a boringmature adults, but getting to know him, you will know he has his owncharm.He always sees things clearly, so he is not the type to beblinded by love. He is a kind and cool guy, but if constantly irritatewith rudeness, ignorant, or stupidity then he will show you that he isannoyed. You may see a guy in this Zodiac dress up in an old shirt and oldJean, but if you look carefully, you will see that his hair is neat andunconsciously he will touch his hair a lot. His desk is always neat and ifhe sees small scrap paper on the floor, he will pick it up or put it inthe basket.People may think he is selfish, because when he says "No",he really means it. Any favor asked, he will help but always in his ownlimit. The more he see faults in others, the less he wants people to seehis. If you want him to change his faults, try to tell him gently or hecould take it as an insult.He wants love that comes with quality, so he only has afew loves in his life. Woman's trick will not work with him. If he breaksup with a woman, he will also try to avoid all her friends and herenvironments too. He is very picky and every breaking up, he will bedouble careful next time.He can sweep woman with his charm, but he likes to keephis relationship like a friend. He likes a sincere self confident woman,neat and clean, perfect and tidy. A real two "P"s, picky and perfectionistZodiac.VIRGO WOMANShe will be similar to Leo woman in appearance. A slim woman who walkswith confident and proud. She has an egg shape facial structure, high andround forehead. She likes to look straight as if she is searching. She isnot a pretentious type and will always say what she thinks.You will see Virgo woman walks fast. She will try her best to be perfect,to look perfect and to feel perfect even though there is no suchperfection. She is very delicate of what and how she dress. She is brightand easily despair with obstacles. She likes smart guy who will becompatible with her, so if you are a rich dumb guy, you can forget abouther right now.She is not a very possessive or jealous person for sheexpects respect from her love one. She does not like a part time lover, ora temporary mate. If she finds her dream man, she will not go away. If shedoes not like you, she will always keep a certain distant. Act proper andappropriate is her discipline.She does not like and can not stand bad languages, cursingwords or phrase. She likes a gentleman who opens the doors for her. Shewants to feel protected and when a man taking care of her, she will feellike a complete woman.She memorizes everything about other people and aboutherself very well. She can really keep secret, you can trust her on this.She likes a refreshing and a mild scent. She is very delicate inmaintaining her beauty, so you could see she is seriously picking soapwhich match and most suit her skin. Do not comment her on this very pickyhabits, it is her happiness in working full times as a self beautifier.She is not an innocent angle for sometimes she can be astough as steel. Even she easily despair, she is not the type to cry overit. She is a shy type, so making speech in front of the room can make hernervous even she walks and talks confidently.She only searches for true love, not just any love. Herlove is an ideal one. She likes to think no one is neater and as effectiveas her, which can irritate you sometimes for there is no such thing. Shelikes sweet talk, but she can slip and say something unpredictable andunbearable to you too. When she stops getting mad, she will totally forgetwhat she just said and be an angle again. If you have a date with her,you'd better be there on time.Flowers and sweet word can calm her down. If you want tosay sorry, make it brief and straight forward. Do not drag your apologeticwords into a long making it up event, it could lead you to another worldwar. She likes her man to dress nice and clean. She is good in detailsespecially with money. Do not make she thinks that she is a clown orfunny. In the beginning of knowing her, please try not to glance at otherpretty woman so much. Early period of dating her, try not to hold her somuch in public, it would not be a proper thing to do. She loves books,stage play and music and likes! to criticize about them too.Criticism woman is her icon including big and small things in life starting from your hair, your dress , and the way you talk. If you are in love with her, be as almost perfect as your can.
A man who has no balance like his Zodiac symbol. He is not the gentle,cool, calm and charming guy like what you see. He has another dark side ofaggression, stubborn and he likes to start an argument the most. Sometimeshe can be so depress and unstable. Up and down like he is trying tobalance himself most of the time.To many people, he is a friendly guy and always smileseven when he is mad or up set. His voice is always gentle and calm. Healways set and comb his hair as if he comes out from a shampooadvertisement. Mostly Libra men are good looking, even the ugly one ischarming. When he smiles, it is so bright that the whole world is smilingwith him too.When he is in a balance mood, he is the type of person youwant to be with. In other unbalancing mood, he likes to make people argueabout something and watching it with fascination and fun. He will wait tobe the one who compromise and clear thing up. He likes to be in aconflicting conversation.Libra man is lazy by nature. After his tired day at work,he likes to sit still and just look out of the window or read quietly. Helikes to be in his own world. After recharging his battery, he will bevery energetic again and may even take you out that night.Libra man normally will not do any shocking or abnormalthings to be noticed. He likes to be conformed with his crowd, but if youwatch him carefully, you will see the different. If he wears a shirt, itwill have to be a zipper front instead of buttons, or a special tie bar.There is always something in him that he will not allow totally conformityto take him over.A straight forward, no non-sense guy. He is careful anddelicate in details. He will spent extra time to doing it right, thancomes back to correct them later. He hates people who boost, orexaggerate. He does not like over dressed woman or make herself a centerof an attention.He loves to read. He loves poems and loves art. When heworks he can work like crazy, but after work he can turn on romantic jazzymusic and treat you so gently. He loves to give people advice and normallygive a good advice. If you fall for him, you will stay like being trappedin a spider web. If you want to break up with him, he will persuade you azillion ways to stay and you can not stop him anyway. After he persuadeyou to stay, or after a big fight, he will be so sweet to you as if he hasnever hurt your feeling before ever.He will has his own way to win a girl love and affection.Once she says yes, he will lay back and wonder if he should go on or if heshould back out. In his teen, he changed many girl friends because he cannot clearly separate loving a friend and loving a girl friend. He willcheck and re-cheek if his match is suitable and compatible with him.Even he is a romantic man, he can hardly understand theemotion of the one he loves. He is a generous guy even he sets his life sosystematically. He never knows when he makes you unhappy. He never knowshow he up set you. He will never knows what he said wrong. If he is yourlover, be prepared for this.A not so pretty girl with no brain is not his type ofwoman. If you are not pretty enough, he will not mind talking to you buthe does not care to get to know you. Any girls, pretty or ugly can ask forhis help, he will be happy to help. He hates to argue by yelling at eachother, so you tend to see he argue with his girl friend seriously but tryat best to be very quiet.He likes to have a girl friend by getting to know eachother like a friend first. If you want him, you have to like the samething he does. He prefers a pretty and gentle woman than a smart and uglywoman. You have to understand his mood especially he can has manydifferent moods. He is a private person, so when he needs to be alonebetter let him be.
Libra woman mostly has an egg oval facial shape. She has a nice smoothskin and a good figure. She will spend so much effort to keep her skinclean and pretty. She can be easily allergy to cosmetic and make up, buttaken care of her face and avoid wrinkle is her hobby. She is good at itand tends to look younger than her age.She can be very naughty like a little boy, but yet fully100% woman. She looks nice in either Jean or night gown. She thinks womanis equal to man. Sometimes she can think faster than you, but she will notleave you far behind. She will try not to make you feel like you arecompeted or defeated in any games she plays with you even she is winning.She is a little flirt even she has no idea what she wants.She can not decide what to do, and what not to do, so she can not set herschedule very well in all cases. She is gifted with how to dress, and howto match her dress. She likes to dress in black and wear perfume. Shelikes a mild flowery scent.In any argument, she can really argue. She can argue for hours, and mostlywin the argument. If it is not a serious argument, she could argue andonce a while give you a smile also. She will make a good politician,because she can tell which party will win the election.She always has a good reasons, even she likes to contradict herself. Shecan not decide what is right and wrong for her, because everything has agood side and a bad side. Woman in other Zodiac might not care what otherpeople think, but Libra woman care what other people, or what you feel asmuch as her own feeling.She can adjust to her environment very well, so at workshe will be at the ladder up. She likes team work in doing things. If youask her for help or advice, she will help you except if she does not likeyour guts. She can change you and make you think you change by yourselfwithout her influence.Good side of being with Libra woman are she neverinterfere with your privacy. She will not make you loose face in front ofyour friends. Even she cares about how much money she has left his herbank account, she will never forget to let you know how much she cares foryou.She think taken care of the house is a woman job and she can do it well.But if you expect a Libra woman to fear you, then you are wrong. She is astrong woman even she looks at you with that sweet innocent pairs ofbaby's looks and may loose you (let you win) in a few poker games.If she is the one you are after, then go step by step. Thebest way is using her friends introducing you to her. Do not make her feelor treat her like a bubble head. You have to move forward toward her withconfident and secure. Show her that you are a kind, polite and a realgentleman. Be a slow hand or else you might get smack!SCORPIO MANA man with a foggy clouds over him. He is sensitive andeasily hurt and always feels lonely. He does not trust anyone but himself.Sounding so negative, but he has an amazingly charisma. He is acompassionate man. He absorbs other people sentimental feeling and pain.He is a good psychiatrist and he could understand complex and confusedfeeling. He has a hidden power that he could use it to make things happenand do things well. He does not like people who never try to helpthemselves before asking other people for favors. He is the type of guywho mostly achieved his goal in life. Once he sets his mind for something,he will put all his energy and efforts in it, whether or not it is a smallmatter or a big project. One of the most success man in all the Zodiac.He is a very patient man and can waits for years to reachhis goal. He hates thin feeling and weak determinations. He can notretreat or rest for long, for he thinks life has more questions and moreanswer to be searched.If he is in love, you will get plenty of love from him,sometimes may be too much than you have asked for. He is serious aboutlove and relationship and will not waste time with someone he does notlove whether how pretty she is.He hardly makes mistake. He could tell if you have any badthought, and will not hesitate to tell you so. If you do not like straightforward sincere man, then pack your bag now. If you are an over sensitiveperson, try not to ask for his comments. He will tell you the truth, evenyou might not be able to take it. Example, if you ask him if you are fat(and you are fat), he will say "yes, as big as a balloon". He makes suchcomments because he cares for you, so do something about your weight anddo not get up set with him.If he says "you look pretty today", you can be proud because he will notsay such think just to please you if he does not really mean it. Therewill be both kind of people, those who like him and those who hate him. Ifyou are in love this guy, be strong and belief in your decision, do not bevulnerable. He remembers all his anger and will wait or his pay back time.He is very serious about your promise, do not promisesomething you couldnot keep. He loves his friends and will do anything for his close friends.He likes you to take care of him, but not in front of his friend. He is acomplex man and you will never understand what he means if you do notreally know him. He is happy to know he is a complex figure. When he isthinking or when he needs his privacy, you should give him some space.He memorize everything well. You may say something thatyou already forgotten, but he will remember every words. He wants to berespected and admired and at the same time he does not like people to havepower over him.When he falls in love, he really falls deep. A man in thisZodiac once in love, he will be sweeter than sugar. He does not like aplain and simple woman. A complex woman's mind is his venture. Always beinteresting and able to talk to him about everything in any subjects. Hedoes not like a woman who sits around waiting for his call.
A simple woman who always show what kind of a moods she is in. You cantellright way if she up set, or if she is flirting with you. She displaysherself with her act much more than trying to say it for it's in hercharacter.A Scorpio woman has her own mysterious personality. She is confident anddeep down inside she is quite proud of herself. She hates to think she isborne a woman and so limiting her with a certain social acceptable rules.She is a real woman and despite her innocent and childish looks, she has aspirit of free soul. Many men will make mistake if they think she is agood follower, they are wrong.She thinks being a plain simple housewife is boring. She likes to havepower and control over other people, but this will be only her secret, soyou will only see a cute woman. Everything she does will look good, andshe has all the women's tricks you can think of. She can manipulate menwithout them knowing it.If you think she going to do everything you say because she loves you,thenyou will be disappointed. She could be a little tomboyish and she canunderstand you by just looking in your eyes. You may say sweet words whichcould sweep any woman, but not with the Scorpio woman. She will use herX-ray eyes reading your thought of what you just said or what you aregoing to say. She always smile and she can really hide her feeling.She will constantly show you that she loves freedom. If she has freedom,shewill not leave you, but will even love you more. If she wants something,she will do everything to get it. She has her own sixth sense of peopleand you can feel that energy feed back when you around her. She likes aman who can earn her respect, and she will also respect and feel proud ofthat man. A man with power over her should not threat or challenge herconfident. She likes to have a good looking, strong and healthy manespecially if she starts to compare with her friends' boyfriends. It is aplus if he hold a degree or a good career.She is a hot lady. She likes heavy music. She either lovesor hates, there are no "fond of", or "like" for her. Love has no "may be",or "perhaps". If she is real mad, she will trash and throw things. Herwind storm can sweep all her dishes and you could get accidentally hit onyour head for this matter. Be calm, it is just your grand mother favoritechina for she has good quality as much as her bad tempered.Sometimes she shows her weakness, but it won't be long.She will put herself together and back to be that hot chili again. If sheloves you, it will be no matter what other people may say. Herrelationship will be more important than what is right or wrong. Becauseof this reason, you may know some Scorpio woman become a second wife, amistress.She is spoil, but she allows her love one to over power her. Dating thiswoman, you should not keep old love letters in your pocket or in yourhouse. It could be a love letter 2 years ago, but never mind she willargue about this since this is a big deal for a suspicious woman. Remembershe has a temper of the shrew.If you play a cold war with her, she will treat youlikewise and double it. If you stood her up once, she will stood you up2-3 times. She is quite fair in justice, so she can accept your apologiesas much as she can pretend to accept things for now and wait for a payback revenge in the future. If you are nice to hear, she will double thatto you as well. A real fair woman.She likes to make and spent money. She likes to have fameand reputations, and never let herself broke and have no name at the sametime. She is too proud and will not accept status of being "Poor". Sheloves to have face, so if you are a manager with small salary, she will beproud more than more money being a truck driver. She hates to think andshe can not stand a feeling of being a "Nobody".If you like her, play a little hard to get. This willexcite her a bit. When you go out on a date, set your schedule, but do notlet she knows that you have planned this for weeks. Always go to pick herup on time or better to go 5-10 minutes early.
A man who loves social life and curious about every new progress, newdevelopment to make sure he is in the era and always have all up dateinformation. He likes to know what the latest trend of fashion is and makesure he is not out of style. You can easily spot him at the grand openingof new pub, new restaurant for he loves to participate in social activity.There is a few Sagittarius who is a private person as well, but you couldsee that he will be ahead of his friends. He will know what is the bestseller book, what are the top 10 hot hit of the week. The hottest moviesshowing now, he must have already seen it.He hates routine, it makes him bored. He likes to get to his goals andsucceeding in doing so is his true reward. Money making is O.K. but it isnot his true joy, for he can easily spend them in a short while. They sayif you want the truth, go and ask Sagittarius. They are right, you can askhim and he will tell you all the truth and very straight forward. Even hemay speak bluntly, his friends loves him. If you have problems, all yourfriends may feel sorry for you, but Sagittarius will be the one who willgive you a helping hand first and even expect no return favor. That's whyhe is a real charmer even sometimes big mouth.When he is mad, he can be quite fierce but quicklydissolve and easily forgotten. He is not a person who will take revenge,so if he say he going to burn down your house, you can relax. He likescompliments and sweet words, so you can manipulate him easily. If he knowsyou are not sincere, you will totally become meaningless to him.Some Sagittarius are gifted musician, or singer. He is ahappy soul, has a good humor and has lots of jokes. He loves freedom,lively and very energetic. If he is working, he will take his jobseriously. He likes to travel, likes to see new exciting places. Going outor traveling make him happy.Sagittarius man is like a free bird. He lives as ifeveryday is Sunday. He will hardly be in a bad mood, but if he is in a badmood, you will better leave his sight. If you want to talk to him in suchmood, try to avoid issue of commenting his life. He flirts like other man,but he has a built in brake, so he will come back to you by himself. If hedisappear for a few days, not to worry for he is only recharging hisbattery to be that same lively person again, them he will be back.He has allergies to Pretty woman, so in love with manywomen for him would be normal. Setting dating schedule is his games andit's fun for him, and this will keep him from being bored. He hatesobligations, so the word "marriage" would suffocate him. If you allow himto have freedom, he will not go anywhere.He falls in love as easy as he catches cold, especially ifshe is cute, funny and she has a strong personality. No one can tell howlong he will be in love each time. If you want to really hold Sagittariusman, act like you are in an adventure movie. At all time, you should makeyourself lively, tells him some jokes, always be cute so that it will easeup his allergy to other pretty woman a bit.
A tall slim and graceful woman who walks proudly like she is walking in abeauty pageant competition. If she slips or nearly falls, she will nicelycovered it up and continue with her graceful and impressive walking step.She knows how to use make up to enhance her beauty. She looks at the worldpositively, so her face always seems so happy. She will not get up seteasily.Self confident woman who believes in her own style. Shewill not follow fashion, but standing in between simplicity and toomodern. She is a very open person, sometimes can be too blunt. She is anhonest person and never try to cause troubles for any one.She likes to say something that you do not want to hearand yet she can say something so pleasing at the same time. Example shemay say "I wish you could make more money, so you could afford bettercloth, but anyway it is better this way. If you make more money you couldbe thinking of money too much and become greedy". She can say such thingand make you wonder if you should get up set or love her more.She is also a free spirit and does not like to stay home.She likes to be protected, but not to give her orders. She has no respectto a weak man. If she try to over powered you, then you have to calm herdown and try to control her to be in a limit by doing the same thing too.She will listen if she respects you. She likes to be herself and like herguy to be himself.She is a no nonsense woman, so you will not hear she says "Guess what Iwill do next", or "Guess what I am thinking" because she always say whatshe is thinking out loud like a guy. If you do not understand her in thismatter, you could easily break up with her. She sees problems in her lovelife as another funny story.She is clumsy and it is in her nature. You may think it iscute, but for some neat guys this could be so unbearable. She is veryfriendly, so she can easily turn her enemy to be her friends. She has goodtaste in fine cloths, good food, first class and first services. Even apoor woman in this Zodiac will struggle to afford such good taste. Shecould spend lots of money as if she can not understand how difficult it isto make money. If you think of let her borrow money, think again.She is a paranoid. If she thinks you like her, she mayalready think about getting married and lost her freedom and so on and on.A jolly woman who loves sports. She is an ordinary woman who could dresslike a tomboy. She has more guy friends and sometimes could act like oneof a guy. She does not care about rumors, so she can get home very lateand couldn't careless what her neighbor will gossip about her. She thinkseither good or bad, you will know it yourself, so you should not botherwhat people think.Her wit and innocent look are her charms. She is often hurts from love,but never afraid to look for a new one as if she is singing "Do that to meone more time". She likes going straight and being straight forward. Shewill not go around to get what she wants, or beat around the bush just tosay something. If you meet her and tell her straight what you think, she will admire you.
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